Growing Strawberries | Tips on Planting Strawberries (2024)

Growing Strawberries | Tips on Planting Strawberries (1)

The best strawberries you'll ever taste will come from a garden, because fully ripened strawberries have a rich, aromatic flavour unmatched by their supermarket counterparts. Savoring the melt-in-your-mouth juiciness of freshly picked strawberries is but one reason to grow your own. As the first fruits to ripen in spring, strawberries are nutritious assets to any garden.

The sturdy little plants prosper when planted in properly prepared beds or rows, or you can put them to work as edible edgings or let them sprawl over the top of a wall. Strawberries are happy to grow in strawberry jars and hanging baskets, too. For the very best results no matter where you plant them, start with vigorous young Bonnie Plants® strawberry plants. Bonnie has been helping home gardeners grow better for over a century, so you can rely on us.

Quick Guide to Growing Strawberries

  • Plant strawberries in spring or fall based on your growing zone. In-ground gardens, raised beds, and containers are all excellent growing areas.
  • Give strawberries room for runners by planting them 18 inches apart. Strawberries can be grown in a variety of ways, but make sure they get 8 or more hours of sun and are planted in slightly acidic soil with a pH of 5.5 to 6.8.
  • Give your native soil a boost by mixing in several inches of aged compost or other rich organic matter. Consider a premium bagged potting mix for growing in containers.
  • Give plants 1 to 1.5 inches of water weekly, and avoid wetting the leaves.
  • Promote excellent fruit production by keeping plants fed with a continuous-release fertilizer.
  • Harvest ripe strawberries in the cool of morning and refrigerate them right away.

The Strawberry Life Cycle

Success with strawberries asks that you understand their life cycle. Like most hardy perennials, strawberries die back in winter and start growing vigorously as the soil warms in spring. After bearing fruit (as early as February in Florida, or June farther north), many types of strawberries produce numerous runners with baby plants at the tips. Those runners often root themselves nearby yet remain attached to the mother plant. These types of strawberries produce more fruit if you clip off most of the runners, allowing each plant to produce no more than 3 daughter plants each summer. (Some varieties of strawberries produce few to no runners.)

Exhausted from producing fruit and offspring, strawberries typically take a second rest period during summer's second half. When kept weeded and lightly watered, most parent plants – and their offspring – perk up and grow again for a while in the fall. Even though it may look like little is going on with strawberries in September, the plants are busy during the fall months developing the latent buds that will grow into next spring's flowers.

From zone 6 northward, strawberries are best planted in spring so they will be well-rooted by the following winter. Containers can be replanted in late summer and moved to a cool, protected place such as an unheated garage during the coldest months.

From zone 7 southward, strawberries can be planted in fall. (In Florida and other warm, humid coastal areas, many are grown as cool weather annuals.) Once a planting is established, simply lift your healthiest plants each September, and replant them in a freshly renovated site.

Growing strawberries doesn't have to entail so much work, though. In all areas, strawberries can be allowed to grow into a vibrant green ground cover that requires little maintenance. The plants won't bear as heavily as more intensively managed plants, but they will still produce delicious berries, year after year.

Soil, Planting, and Care

Strawberries need at least 8 hours of full sun each day, and they prefer slightly acidic soil with a pH between 5.5 and 6.8. If soils in your area are naturally alkaline, it is best to grow strawberries in half-barrels or other large containers filled with premium quality potting soil, like aged compost-enriched Miracle-Gro® Performance Organics® All Purpose Container Mix. Strawberries may also sulk in heavy clay, which should be generously amended with composted leaves, fully rotted sawdust, or Miracle-Gro® Performance Organics® All Purpose In-Ground Soil—like the Container Mix, it contains high-quality aged compost—before planting strawberries. After mixing in 4 inches or more of compost, rake clay soil into raised mounds to further improve drainage. If your soil is sandy, simply cultivate to remove weeds, and mix in a 1-inch layer of rich compost or rotted manure.

Many varieties of strawberries eagerly produce offspring, so it is best to space them 18 inches apart. There are a few varieties, though, that produce few if any runners; these can be spaced 6 inches apart. (Check the plant tag for exact details on spacing.) Be sure to set the plants so that their roots are well covered with soil but the central growing bud, or crown, is exposed to light and fresh air. This is very important: If you bury the crown, the plant could easily rot. Water them well. Any type of mulch – from black plastic to pine straw to shredded leaves – will keep the soil moist and the plants clean. Fertilize with Miracle-Gro® Performance Organics® Edibles Plant Nutrition Granules for excellent results. This plant food works in tandem with great soil to provide just the right environment and nutrition for strong growth. Look for your plants to begin blooming in early spring, and the flowers must be visited by bees and other pollinating insects before they can set fruit. In warm, sunny weather, berries ripen about 30 days after blossoms are fertilized.

June-bearing varieties such as Allstar bear all at once, usually over a period of about 3 weeks. Although called June-bearing, these bear earlier than June in warm climates.

Everbearing varieties like Quinault produce a big crop from spring flowers, set light flushes of fruit through summer, and then bloom and bear again in late summer and fall.

Day-neutral varieties produce fruit continually throughout the season, until the first frost. They are not sensitive to variations in the amount of daylight like other types of strawberries are.


Slugs often chew holes in strawberries just as they begin to ripen. Organic mulches such as straw encourage slugs, so where slugs are a problem, a plastic mulch helps.

In summer, several fungal diseases cause dark spots to form on leaves. Clipping or mowing strawberry foliage and raking it away in summer can interrupt the life cycles of some strawberry pests and diseases. By far the worst pests of strawberries are birds. To keep robins, brown thrashers, and other fruit-eaters from stealing your berries, cover the plants with lightweight bird netting when the berries begin to ripen.

Sometimes your fruit may be small because of heat and drought. Once you start watering and the weather improves, the new fruit should be of normal size.

Harvest and Storage

Pick strawberries in the morning, when the fruits are cool, and immediately put them in the refrigerator. Wait until just before you eat or cook them to rinse the berries thoroughly with cool water. Extra strawberries can be frozen, dried, or made into jam or preserves.

Growing Strawberries | Tips on Planting Strawberries (2)
Growing Strawberries | Tips on Planting Strawberries (3)
Growing Strawberries | Tips on Planting Strawberries (4)
Growing Strawberries | Tips on Planting Strawberries (5)
Growing Strawberries | Tips on Planting Strawberries (6)


How do I know how old my plants are? Do I need to remove the blooms the first year?

Any plants that were just purchased are in their first year of growth. Although our plant tags may say to pick the blooms the first year, this is not essential. Picking the blooms keeps energy directed toward foliage and plant growth so that plants are bigger the following year. However, you can leave the blooms and enjoy a few berries the first year.

Is the Arizona sun too intense for strawberries?

In your area, give them shade through the summer months.

How do strawberries grow in strawberry jars?

Strawberries do well in strawberry jars, but you will have to work to keep them watered and they are not as productive as in the ground, due to much lower soil volume. Strawberry jars are a fun novelty and are especially useful for small patio and condo gardens.

How do I save my strawberries from greedy birds?

It is always a good idea to cover ripening berries with a net that protects the fruit without harming the birds. You can find bird netting at stores that sell garden supplies.

When are strawberries ready to pick?

Harvest berries when they turn red. Avoid leaving ripe berries on the vine, as they will rot quickly.

Is it true that strawberries should be stored unwashed?

Yes. Wet berries spoil rapidly, even in the refrigerator. Only wash strawberries immediately before eating.

Growing Strawberries | Tips on Planting Strawberries (2024)


Growing Strawberries | Tips on Planting Strawberries? ›

Strawberries need full sun to produce maximum fruit. Space plants 12 to 18 inches apart. Strawberries are self-fertile, but require bees for pollination. Remove some of the runners throughout the season or your strawberry plants will take over your yard.

Can you grow strawberries by planting a strawberry? ›

Strawberries are not a fruit that can be re-grown, as if you cut off a strawberry top and plant it in compost then it would rot rather than sprout roots and grow. The only way that strawberries can grow from a strawberry itself is to propagate new plants from the seed harvested from a ripe strawberry.

What to avoid when planting strawberries? ›

Bad Neighbors for Strawberries

Common vegetable crops — including tomatoes, potatoes, peppers, eggplants, melons and plants in the rose family — can introduce the fungi responsible for Verticillium wilt. Potatoes, tomatoes, eggplant and red clover can harbor species of nematodes that can feed on strawberries.

Can you plant seeds from store-bought strawberries? ›

There are a few things to keep in mind when growing strawberries from store-bought berries, though. Organic produce is a good choice, as you can be sure the plants are free from any unwanted chemical sprays. Try to buy strawberries that have been grown locally or purchase fruit that's labeled as organic at the market.

Can you regrow strawberries from the tops? ›

We offer many tips on kitchen scrap gardening, so you may be asking, “can I regrow strawberries from strawberry tops?” The short answer is, no. Strawberry plants can't propagate. But you can grow this other favorite fruit from scraps!

Is it better to plant strawberries in ground or containers? ›

Contrary to what most people may believe, soil cultivation is becoming scarcer due to a myriad of issues starting with the fact that soil is no longer as fertile as in the past, followed by the lack of water, limited spaces for growing, and even the effects of climate change, which make growing strawberries in pots the ...

Do strawberries come back every year? ›

Strawberries are perennials — they go through a period of dormancy in the winter and return each spring ready to go again. ... Virtually every planting zone is conducive for growing strawberry plants at least a few months out of the year.

Are coffee grounds bad for strawberry plants? ›

Because coffee grounds are slightly acidic, they are ideal for strawberries and other plants that prefer a slightly acidic soil. Although coffee grounds are high in nitrogen, they should not be used as the only fertiliser for strawberries, as they contain hardly any other nutrients.

Do strawberries prefer morning or afternoon sun? ›

When planting strawberries, choose a spot with full sun. In warm regions, try to provide morning sun with some shade protection during the hottest part of the day. Soil should have excellent drainage.

What temperature hurts strawberry plants? ›

Temperatures below 32°F will damage the fruit and flowers of strawberry plants, but the crowns and leaves will survive to temperatures in the low 20s if they have been acclimated to cool weather.

What happens if you plant a whole strawberry? ›

Planting a whole strawberry purchased from a grocery store will only grow new plants IF any of the seeds are fertile AND the germination inhibitors within those seed are dealt with. Most fruits and veggies in grocery stores are harvested well before the food is actually ripe though.

Do you get strawberries the first year from seed? ›

Strawberries can produce fruit in the first year (though not at their fullest potential). That being said, to create a long standing and reliable perennial crop you may have to sacrifice some of that first season's harvest. Right after planting, pinch off any flower buds that appear in the first few weeks.

Do strawberries need full sun? ›

Strawberries need full sun to produce maximum fruit. Space plants 12 to 18 inches apart. Strawberries are self-fertile, but require bees for pollination. Remove some of the runners throughout the season or your strawberry plants will take over your yard.

How many strawberry seeds per hole? ›

Take your seeds out of the fridge or freezer and leave them in their container to warm up to room temperature. Then, fill a seed tray with seed starting mix and water the soil. Place 2 to 3 strawberry seeds on top of each cell in the tray and gently press them about 6 mm (0.24 in) into the soil.

How do you keep strawberries coming back every year? ›

Keep strawberry beds mulched to reduce water needs and weed invasion. Any type of mulch—from black plastic to pine straw to shredded leaves—will keep the soil moist and the plants clean. Read more about mulching. Be diligent about weeding—weed by hand, especially in the first months after planting.

Will one strawberry plant produce fruit? ›

The truth is, one plant will never, ever be enough, even if you are growing for just for one person! The average strawberry plant produces up to 1 quart of strawberries. And this is only when it is grown with ideal conditions, such as amended soil, the optimal climate, and fertilization.

How to get seeds from a strawberry? ›

To start, place about five ripe and healthy strawberries in an airtight container and place them in the freezer overnight. The next day, remove the strawberries from the freezer. With a razor, utility knife, or sharp kitchen knife, gently scrape the sides of the strawberry and pick out the individual seeds.

Can I plant strawberry seeds directly in the ground? ›

Strawberry seeds germinate best at 65 to 70℉. Alpine strawberries can also be seeded directly in the garden after the last frost.

Do you have to dry strawberry seeds before planting? ›

Pour off the floating strawberry material and water to reach the seeds at the bottom of the blender. If you intend to plant the seeds at a later time, place them on a paper towel or cloth and allow them to completely air dry, then put the seeds into a container and refrigerate them until you are ready to use them.

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